Here at Wintec, we're very proud to have been making lightweight, durable, weatherproof, and easy-care saddles for over 30 years. Over this time, Wintec has caught the eye of world-leading equestrians such as Isabell Werth who have gone on to win multiple gold medals in their Wintec saddles - a testament to their quality.

Wintec riders are many things, but above all, they are fiercely loyal to their sensible Wintec saddles that can handle anything life can throw at them. 

Recently, a fan challenged Gemma on her choice of saddle brand, and we loved every second of it! So much so, that we rewarded Gemma for her loyalty who then turned around and donated our gifts to the local RDA, which made us love her even more. 

Watch the story unfold below, support your local RDA and follow Gemma on TikTok (@riding101) for hilarious adventures of Maddie, Fizz, and the girls in their Wintec saddles. 

First, we spotted Gemma's original 'clap back' on TikTok:


Watch on TikTok

Then we reached out to Gemma who confirmed our suspicions - she LOVES her Wintec saddles!

"We absolutely love our Wintec’s, they are perfect for my growing girls, and of course the ponies. Fizz & Maddie are also RDA ponies, so they are wonderful to use with our many clients....and so easy to care for. 

We will continue to support Wintec. We love the brand."

Then we sent her a small box of gifts for the girls and the ponies!

"Wintec FOREVER, expense NEVER!"


Not only is Gemma donating many of the goodies, but she then went onto her TikTok to run some giveaways and had simply beautiful submissions about how beneficial riding is to so many people worldwide. 



Here at Wintec we LOVE to hear these selfless stories of riders going above and beyond to give back to our equestrian community, especially in a challenging year such as 2020.  

Thank you Gemma!